RRCPC Newsletter
Volume 35 Number 2 Article 5
October 1998

The "Golden Oldies" Trip

Saturday July 4th 1998

Ron came round for me early, half past eight, as our glorious leader, Bert Bradshaw, had said meet at Bull Pot Farm at nine thirty. We arrived and met Sandra and Chester (with his three minders), Gordon Batty and the New Inn landlord (must be a free pint in it), and some older members of the CPC. By 10.30 Bert had not showed up, so we drifted across to ladder Lancaster Hole. After a discussion on how to ladder it Bert showed up - more chat! I thought we'd better get moving and nipped down first, meaning to take photo's of people descending the shaft. My photographic gear must have got damp with lack of use as the flash would not go off. We then moved off to Fall Pot and whilst waiting there I played with my photographic gear to try to get it working. Paul and Lizzie then arrived with Sandra, and after Paul had had a look at the camera I decided it was a hot shoe so, I would have to take the shots on bulbs. They told me that about 10 people were already down and were going via the top route to County. As I ended up a grease-spot last time I went that way, I suggested doing it in the stream way. Gordon, Bill (Rubber Duck Club) and the landlord joined us and off we went.

It was only ankle deep in the stream and apart from a deviation in the boulders, we were soon at Oxbow Comer, where we stopped for a snack. Thanks Paul, for the hot coffee!

I was telling Paul about an old survey I'd found showing a passage opposite the Minarets, called Long's Passage which I have never seen, and asked him if he fancied a look. It turned out to be a hands and knees phreatic roof tube, which ended up at a 10 hole to a dig. We both decided the air in there was not too good. Probably because our hearts were pounding! Of course it could have been the exercise! So we joined the rest and headed down the Minarets to Comes Cavern where we thought we would meet Bert, Ron, and Chester with his minders.

We waited there but no one showed up, so we headed off to Stop Pot to try the new ladder. Very nice! Then off into Easegill. We found P.J. laddered (thanks Andy) and didn't have to do the alternative route through Trident. Soon we were on our way to Broadway and up onto the pitch. Here we had a choice of ladders and were soon up to the entrance, to exit at 5 o'clock. I used the film up in the camera, taking everybody emerging.

I apologise to George Comes for fouling the silence of Comes Cavern but, as I said, "it was the Old Farts Trip."

Jim Newton

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