Team: Phil Luff,
Lancaster Hole we followed
There was
hardly any water flowing through the main drain and the walk was a delight. It
was the first time I had visited the system and, like Claire, I had not
expected to see so many formations. It was interesting to see how flood debris
had been incorporated into the structures of the stalactite straws. Also of
note were the bowls scoured out of the sides of the canyon, polished smooth by
swirling pebbles.
On the way,
Phil took a look at an inlet while Hugh led the way through the boulders to
Oxbow Corner. After a quick look at the original entrance to
We returned to the stream and retraced our route to Phils inlet, a short
distance downstream of the boulder choke. An inclined entrance led to a
collapsed area beyond which a climb revealed a partially choked crawl. Claire
and I left that to the experts and retreated to look at a bedding plane nearer
the junction with the Main Drain. She managed to force herself in and explore,
but it proved too low for real progress. It was interesting though, and
contained some curious muddy fans, which formed delicate traceries suspended at
various levels between floors. As we made our way the short distance back to
the stream we were surprised to meet Phil coming the other way. He had managed
to dig a new way through to Oxbow Corner.
We set off
downstream, and passed Fall Pot to visit the sump. The scenery changed
abruptly, with the walls coated in mud as a result of the sump backing up. Side
passages beckoned, but after a look at the sump pool we made our way back to
Fall Pot and headed to the surface.
suggestion had resulted in a very enjoyable and rewarding trip for all.
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