OFD 2.

On Sunday morning after much laughter at a certain Red Rose member who spent Saturday night shouting Hughie down the big white telephone, Bill Holden and Graham Leach set out on a second trip to Dan Yr Ogof leaving Jim Newton, Dick Wade, Neil Pacey and I to decide what to do.. We could sit and stagnate as our hangovers eased, go walking, or even go caving. We decided on a trip to OFD2, the others probably thought it easier on their bad heads than listening to me whittering on all day.

A crack of noon start and after much sweating and blowing we arrived at Top Entrance, we made our way to the big chamber near the entrance and we looked through most of the passages around Column Hall area, then to the Bedding Chambers, some nice formations around here, then back to the main passage. It became a mystery trip from here on, we passed through big passages with many junctions, after many lefts and rights we arrived in the top of Arete Chamber. There was a nice calcite slope coming from a passage with water running down the formation, the lower end of the formation ended in a long drop.

Good route finding or good luck found us back near the entrance where Neil climbed up to look at the Mini Columns, then back out into the daylight, only a short trip but well worth the effort.

Jim Farrer.

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