Casterton Pot
The Casterton Pot diggers are inching their way closer to Bull Pot of the Witches! Well, metre-ing their way might be more accurate, particularly these last couple of weeks. On successive Wednesday evenings the south passage dig has produced 10 metre extensions on both days – giant leaps forward in the history and slow slog of this promising but difficult dig.
On Wednesday 6th Dec, capping at a narrowing enabled a squeeze to be passed to 12m of open crawl ending at a stand-up section, Handshake Chamber, with a low continuation at floor level.
On Wednesday 13th Dec the low continuation was dug and pushed another 10m to a well-decorated section which blocks access to a continuing crawl.
Both are promising breakthroughs which has lifted the morale and enthusiasm of the diggers, despite the arduous crawl to get there.
Stay tuned for more exploits in the coming weeks!

Pete at the breakthrough ‘narrows’ 6th Dec – pic Hugh St.L